Lightning Never Strikes Twice in the Same Place

(the same misfortune won't happen twice to the same person)

Hi, Gus. I'm glad to see you're up and about.

Thanks. After that truck plowed into my car last month, I thought it was all over for me. I'm really lucky to be alive.

That's for sure. It must have been quite a traumatic experience for you. Has your car been repaired yet?

Yes, it has. But I won't be driving it anymore. I'm not taking any chances on being hit again.

Come on, now. You can't let one unfortunate incident keep you from ever driving again. Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.

That's what people say, but it's hard for me to believe that a person can't encounter the same type of misfortune twice. For the time being, I'll taking public transportation to work.


up and about = (病人が)床を離れて。元気で動き回って
plow into = 〜に激突する
For the time being = 当分の間

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