All That Glitters Is Not Gold

(some things are not as valuable as they appear to be)

Boy,Ahmed sure got taken the other day at the bazaar.

What happened?

You know he collects old swords and sabers. Well, he came across a neat, shining scimitar in one of the booths. The guy assured him that it dated from the fifteenth century and that it would never rust. Ahmed was so excited with his find that he really didn't examine it very carefully before he took it home. That's when he discovered that the scimitar was coated to hide the rust and that it was a copy, not an original.

Just goes to prove that all that glitters is not gold.

That's for sure! Ahmed learned the hard way that some things are not as valuable as they appear to be.

get taken = be tricked

scimitar = 三日月刀

learn the hard way = 身をもって学ぶ

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