
After the Feast Comes the Reckoning

(people must always pay the price of their excesses.)

Hey, Bill. Is that another new jacket you're wearing?

Yeah. Just got it the other day. Like it?

I sure do. But tell me - lately you've been spending like a madman. Where's all this money coming from?

No problem. I've been buying everything on credit.

Easy there, pal. Aren't you getting in over your head? Remember : after the feast comes the reckoning.

I know I've been spending a lot, but so far I've been able to make my monthly payments.

Sure. But what happens if you get laid off? That construction job you have won't last forever, and you'll still have to pay for your excesses.

I know, but I'll cross that bridge when and if I get to it.

feast =

reckoning = payment

Easy there = You are too easy-going.

cross that bridge = do it

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