When the Cat's Away the Mice Will Play

(some people will misbehave when they are not being watched)

Orlando, are you going on that Alaskan cruise with your parents?

No, Mrs. Stevenson. I've got to stick around for school.

Then you'll have the house all to yourself.

That's right. My folks'll be gone for ten days. I was thinking of having a party this weekend to celebrate Susanna's birthday.

Oh, I see. When the cat's away the mice will play.

Not exactly. Mom might have said OK. She likes Susanna. Anyway, since my folks won't be around to say no, I see no reason for us not to have a little fun.

It looks like your mind is made up. You want to have the party, even if it might go against your parents wishes.

Don't worry. We'll be extra careful, and I'll tell Mom and Dad about the party as soon as they get back.

stick around = 待機する、そこらへんにいる

be around to =

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