The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions

(good intentions don't always lead to good actions)

Erick, when are you going to repair the roof? You've been talking about it for a month now.

Andrea, I wish you wouldn't keep nagging me. I have every intention of getting to it this weekend.

Sure. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. How long are you going to keep putting it off?

Well, something always comes up. I should be able to start it on Saturday morning.

Let's see what happens. I won't say another word about it if you really mean what you say. I just get annoyed when your good intentions don't lead to good actions.

Have faith! I'll do it this weekend for sure.

nag = がみがみと小言を言う

one means what one says = 本気で言っている

Have faith! = Believe me!

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