The Pen Is Mightier Than the sword

(the written word is more powerful than physical force)

It's true! The pen is mightier than the sword! I just got a letter from the president of the corporation that made my car. I've been having trouble with the alignment and steering column almost from the day I bought it.

Did you take it back to the dealer?

I sure did, but he kept claming that everything seemed OK. I got so angry that I almost came to blows with the guy, but I decided against force and instead I wrote a letter to the president of the company. As you can see, he wrote back and not only did he apologize for the way I was treated, he offered to let me trade in the car for a brand new one at no additional cost!

Congratulations! You've proved that the written word is more powerful than physical force.

alignment = 前輪調節

claim = 主張する

trade in (A) for (b) =

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