He Who Hesitate Is Lost

(a person who doesn't act decisively is unlikely to succeed)

If you want to buy that new car you've been looking at, you'd better hurry up.


Don't you read the papers? Next month the state sales tax is going up a whole cent. That will add up to a lot of money on a car! He who hesitate is lost.

I've been holding off because the dealer told me there would soon be a factory-authorized rebate on the car I want. But I see your point. If I delay in purchasing the car, I may never get another chance to buy it at the current price. Maybe I'd better not wait for the factory rebate-especially if it comes through after the new taxes go into effect.

Wise decision. Get hopping!

decisively = 断固として

a whole cent = (1ドルあたりの1セント)

get hopping! = start right now!

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