Necessity Is the Mother of Invention

(most inventions are created to solve a problem)

It's so good to see you, Fred. I was really distressed to hear that you lost your home in the recent hurricane. Is everything OK now?

We're alive and kicking, but for a while there it was touch and go. That hurricane hit us full blast.

Wow! How did you manage to survive?

Well, you know that necessity is the mother of invention. We built a makeshift shelter from the ruins until help arrived.

That must have taken some doing.

It sure did! Being in such a difficult situation forced us to be creative.

What an experience!

You said it! We were lucky to come out of it alive.

be distressed = 心を痛める

be alive and kicking = 元気でぴんぴんしている

makeshift = 間に合わせの

take some doing = たいへん骨が折れる

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