
One Man's Gravy Is Another Man's Poison

(what is pleasing to one person may not be pleasing to another)

Elaine, we haven't been out for a while. Why don't we take in the symphony tomorrow night?

Charles, you know I've never been able to sit through an entire concert of classical music. How about going to hear that new rock group at Danny's instead?

And get my ears blown off? No way!

It just goes to show you that one man's gravy is another man's poison.

Well, I realize that what pleases one person may not please someone else. But let's compromise. Come to the symphony concert tomorrow night, and on Saturday I'll take you to hear that rock group. Is it a deal?

OK. I'll even get you a set of ear plugs so you won't go deaf.

take in = go to

compromise = Ë

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