Too Many Chiefs, Not Enough Indians

(too many people are giving orders, and not enough people are following orders)

What's going on here? I told you guys to get these trucks loaded and have them ready to roll out two hours ago! Why is the job only half done?

Well, boss, the trouble is that you weren't around, and everybody had his own idea on how the job should be done. Since nobody would listen to anyone else, we couldn't do the job.

Oh, I see. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.

You've got it!

OK. Let's get it together. From now on I'll be giving the orders and you guys will be following through. If everybody keeps trying to run the show, nothing will be ever get done.


roll out = (車で)出発する
get it together = こう決めよう
run the show = 采配を振るう

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