Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

(people often feel more affectionate toward each other when they are apart)

Say, Peter. I haven't seen you with Lillian these days. Where has she been hiding out?

She's been traveling overseas for the past two months. To tell you the truth, I never thought I'd miss her so much.

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

It's true in my case, anyway. I guess I was taking Lillian for granted. I didn't realize how much she means to me until she was gone.

I think most people react the same way. When two people are separated, they often feel more affectionate toward each other. Tell me. When is Lillian due back?

In a couple of weeks. I can hardly wait.


mean = (重大な)意味を持つ
be due = 〜する予定である

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